The different shapes of the dust collector frames have different installation methods and characteristics

There are many different types of dust collector frame technology, in the actual application will occur according to different conditions of use, different dust collector frames also have different methods and installation characteristics.

Plastic aerosol collector structure: the main body of the plastic aerosol collector structure is provided with an exposed decorative part, the exposed decorative part is connected to two sockets, a sharp angle between the two plugs, the outer periphery of the two plugs the surface is lower than the gasket body, and an awning groove is provided on the upper side of the gasket body.

Round spray plastic dust collector structure (outer filter type): this type of structure is one of the forms of commonly used plastic spray dust collector structure. The frame of the round spray plastic dust collector has a lightweight structure, which is easy to install and maintain, and the quality directly affects the filter bag. The filtration status and service life of the frame of the round dust collector are formed by welding with special equipment at the same time. Its characteristics are a firm weld and a smooth and clean appearance of the dust collector frame.

Trapezoidal dust collector structure: this type of dust collector structure generally adopts silicone or galvanized spray, painting, and other technologies. The coating is firm and resistant to corrosion. Prevents surface corrosion and filtration of the plastic structure of the sprayer after the dust collector has operated for a period of time. The bag is attached, ensuring a smooth return of the dust filter bag and at the same time reducing damage to the dust bag during the bag replacement process. The longitudinal bars and non-slip rings are evenly distributed and have sufficient strength to prevent damage and deformation. To ensure the strength of the steel wire and to improve the quality of the appearance, the skeleton of the trapezoidal spray plastic dust collector is made of round 6.5 steel (drawn in 3mm). Then, by assembling the welded tire into one piece, the grinding and grinding meet the technical requirements.