The purpose of the dust collector frame is to support the bag of dust removal equipment for common use. The dust removal frame is an important part of the bag filter, and its quality directly affects the shape of the filter and the life of the dust bag, and the result of dust removal from the bag filter.
Factors that will affect the performance of the dust collector frame:
(1) influence of the size of the precipitator structure: on the geometric dimensions of the precipitator structure, the diameter of the precipitator structure, the gas, and the shape and size of the exhaust pipe are important influencing factors.
(2) influence of gas parameters on dust collector frame performance: including the influence of gas flow, gas dust concentration, gas moisture content, gas density, viscosity, pressure, temperature, etc.
(3) the influence of the physical properties of the powder in the frame of the dust collector
(4) the influence of the roughness of the inner wall of the dust collector frame: dust particles concentrated near the wall surface will cause eddies due to the rough surface, which will cause some dust particles to be thrown into the rising airflow and into the exhaust pipe, which reduces the dust removal efficiency.