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A Brief Introduction of Our RO Membranes for General-purpose Industrial Use

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Our membranes are designed for medium size commercial applications, they are the core parts of commercial water machines and pure water systems which are widely used in hospitals, schools, factories, and laboratories.

Product Description
Industrial-grade polyamide composite membranes are suitable for salt rejection treatment of surface water, groundwater, tap water, and municipal water. Features of the FES-I series membrane are low-pressure operation, high water production, and good performance of salt rejection.
FES-I series membranes are mainly used for industrial water supply systems, including all kinds of sizes of industry pure water supply, power plants, boiler feed water, etc. They can also be used for the treatment of brackish water such as wastewater of high concentration of salt, or wastewater of drink water manufacturing industry, etc. In addition, it has a very high performance of removing soluble salts, especially suitable for the preparation of supreme-pure water for the electronic, and electrical industries.