Woven Fiberglass Filter Bag

Filmedia® fiberglass woven filter bags is widely used for industrial dust collection because of its high covering capacity , good air permeability and high filtration efficiency. Woven fiberglass is great fabric for RABH filter bag, heat-resistance. What’s more, our products are all produced by DORNIER machine from German.

Capacity:2000 m² per day.
FAW: 200-850 gsm and other customized weight.
Weave: Double twill, 1/3 twill

Optional ChoicePleated Filter Bag (Star Bag)

The main advantages and features:

1. To increase system filtration capacity by 50-150% as needed without major changes to the dust collectors ;

2. System cleaning efficiency markedly increased with the effective increase of bag to bag distance;

3. Bag life extended due to significant reduction of fatigue damage to the bags due to bag to cage impact.


Specifications of Fiberglass Filter Cloths

Weight: 200~850 g/m2, can be customized
Thickness: 0.3~0.9mm
Air permeability: can be customized.
Operating temperature: 260℃
Instant temperature: 280℃


Fiberglass filter cloth has high covering capacity and good air permeability, thus providing higher filtration efficiency, lower filtration resistance.

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  • Cement Plant

Cement Kiln head: high dust concentration, strong honing, high temperature, and high humidity.

Cement kiln end: fine dust not easy to capture, sticky and easy to paste bag, not easy to clean, high temperature, easy to fluctuate.

  • Steel Plant

The steel plant has many dust collectors in a different area, such as blast furnace, coking, converter, lime kiln, etc. The high-temperature dust collectors can use fiberglass filter media.

  • Coal-Fired Boiler

The main flue gas in coal-fired power plants is N2, O2, CO2, SO2, NOX, water vapor, and others. It also contains smaller amounts of CO, SO3, H2, CH4, and other hydrocarbons (CmHm). Generally, the temperature of the flue gas is around 140-150℃, but sometimes also around 180-220℃.

  • Ferroalloys

The generalized ferroalloy refers to a product that is added to molten iron as a deoxidizer, an elemental additive, or the like in steelmaking to impart certain characteristics or meet certain requirements. Iron and one or several elements form an alloy, mainly used in steel smelting. In the steel industry, all intermediate alloys for steel making, whether iron or not(such as silicon calcium alloy), are generally referred to as “iron alloys”.

  • Power Plant

Combustion is easy to coke, the concentration of smoke is high, the temperature is high, and it is easy to be burned. After burning, it contains sticky components, which is easy to cause paste bags. It is recommended to use high temperature and corrosion-resistant filter media.

  • Chemical Plant

Titanium dioxide, the main component of which is a white pigment of titanium dioxide(TiO2). The name is titanium dioxide. The industry has high dust concentration, high temperature, small dust particle size, good dispersibility, the high-pressure difference of dust collector, and short life of filter bag. Glass fiber filter bag is used to collect products in titanium dioxide industry.

  •  Carbon Black Plant

Carbon black, very small particles, high viscosity, easy to paste bags, the filter is mainly stable at 270℃-280℃, large water vapor, the filter bag are used to collect carbon black particles.


Regular Fiberglass Woven Fabric and Properties

Product Code Weight
Chemical Finish Air Permeability Tension Strength
L/m²S@200Pa Wrap Weft
ES-FB480W-PSG 480±10 Teflon, Silicon, Graphite 350±25 ≥2000 ≥1200 260~280
ES-FB490W-PSG-TFM 490±10 Teflon, Silicon, Graphite PTFE membrane 80±15 ≥2000 ≥1200
ES-FB520W-AR 520±10 Acid Resistant Finish 340±25 ≥2300 ≥1300
ES-FB830W-AR 830±10 Acid-resistant finish 290±25 ≥2600 ≥2400
ES-FB800W-TFI 800±10 Teflon finish 300±25 ≥2400 ≥2200


Remarks: All specifications can be customized by your requirement.